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Executive board member: The Art Therapy Association of India (TATAI)

Associate Member: The American Art Therapy Association (AATA)

Roshni is an Art Psychotherapist based in Bangalore. Trained in the psychodynamic approach, she supports clients explore the unconscious and gain insights beyond the surface of words. With a background in trauma work, she has been dedicated to to fostering collaboration in arts and mental wellness through clinical practice as well as community engagement. Roshni has a Masters in Art Therapy from Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore, and is currently undergoing comprehensive training to become a Clinical supervisor through the British Association of Art Therapy (BAAT).


Her professional journey has taken her to diverse settings, including a Children's home and a Girls Residence in Singapore during her formative years of training. Here, she played a pivotal role in assisting individuals who had endured complex trauma, often as part of Court-mandated probation in a residential context, a responsibility entrusted by the Ministry of Social and Family Development.


Roshni's expertise lies in working with children and young people since the past 5 years and has been involved in several community based projects, training teachers from schools in Bangalore and Jammu district, as well as the elderly. She is a co-founder of FoundSpace, a collective fostering multidisciplinary cross-cultural collaboration in the arts and mental wellness through workshops and public art projects.


Roshni has presented her arts-based research on Embodiment, trauma and media arts at international conferences including the ANZACATA (Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Creative Arts Therapies Association) Conference in Brisbane, Australia, and her work "Project Memories: A community-based arts project from an art therapy perspective in Singapore" has been published in the JoCAT (Journal of Creative Arts Therapies). Her strong belief in the power of collaboration has driven her involvement in diverse projects, both within India and internationally. Beyond her role as an Art Therapist, Roshni is an artist herself, adept in various mediums such as drawing, digital media arts, weaving, and pottery.


For collaborations, please reach out via the email id below.

A portrait of Roshni Bhatia, the Art Therapist
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